Couple Decides To Make A Change and 18 Months Later, Their Lives Look Completely Different

We get to hear and read inspirational stories all the time. Mostly, they are about people who we can’t relate to, such as politicians or businessmen or saintlike figures. But there are times when people from around us earn a place in the spotlight, all thanks to the amazing journey they’ve lived in the past few years. That is exactly what earned Lexi and Danny Reed around a million followers on Instagram, cumulatively. Just by employing a healthy diet and a consistent workout regime, both of them have lost over 410lbs combined. Their story has been shared numerous times for their amazing transformation. Let’s take a look at their amazing journey.

The Usual Pattern

Lexi Reed had always been confident about the way she looked and never let it impact her happiness or well-being. But there were moments when she felt like she had gained more weight than necessary. Those moments prompted her to alter her dietary habits for a short period of time. However, she always retracted from her intervention to the same patterns of consumption she had been following before; therefore gaining back whatever she had lost.

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